Cost Accounting a Managerial Emphasis 15th Edition Solutions Chapter 10


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  1. 1. Chapter 10 Standard Costs and Variances Solutions to Questions 10-1 A quantity standard indicates how much 10-7 This combination of variances may of an input should be used to make a unit of indicate that inferior quality materials were output. A price standard indicates how much the purchased at a discounted price, but the low- input should cost. quality materials created production problems. 10-2 Ideal standards assume perfection and 10-8 If standards are used to find who to do not allow for any inefficiency. Ideal standards blame for problems, they can breed resentment are rarely, if ever, attained. Practical standards and undermine morale. Standards should not be can be attained by employees working at a used to find someone to blame for problems. reasonable, though efficient pace and allow for normal breaks and work interruptions. 10-9 Several factors other than the contractual rate paid to workers can cause a 10-3 Under management by exception, labor rate variance. For example, skilled workers managers focus their attention on results that with high hourly rates of pay can be given duties deviate from expectations. It is assumed that that require little skill and that call for low hourly results that meet expectations do not require rates of pay, resulting in an unfavorable rate investigation. variance. Or unskilled or untrained workers can be assigned to tasks that should be filled by 10-4 Separating an overall variance into a more skilled workers with higher rates of pay, price variance and a quantity variance provides resulting in a favorable rate variance. more information. Moreover, price and quantity Unfavorable rate variances can also arise from variances are usually the responsibilities of overtime work at premium rates. different managers. 10-10 If poor quality materials create 10-5 The materials price variance is usually production problems, a result could be excessive the responsibility of the purchasing manager. labor time and therefore an unfavorable labor The materials quantity and labor efficiency efficiency variance. Poor quality materials would variances are usually the responsibility of not ordinarily affect the labor rate variance. production managers and supervisors. 10-11 If overhead is applied on the basis of 10-6 The materials price variance can be direct labor-hours, then the variable overhead computed either when materials are purchased efficiency variance and the direct labor or when they are placed into production. It is efficiency variance will always be favorable or usually better to compute the variance when unfavorable together. Both variances are materials are purchased because that is when computed by comparing the number of direct the purchasing manager, who has responsibility labor-hours actually worked to the standard for this variance, has completed his or her work. hours allowed. That is, in each case the formula In addition, recognizing the price variance when is: materials are purchased allows the company to Efficiency variance = SR(AH – SH) carry its raw materials in the inventory accounts at standard cost, which greatly simplifies Only the ―SR‖ part of the formula, the standard bookkeeping. rate, differs between the two variances. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 487
  2. 2. 10-12 A statistical control chart is a graphical output of the entire system is limited by the aid that helps identify variances that should be capacity of the bottleneck. If workstations investigated. Upper and lower limits are set on before the bottleneck in the production process the control chart. Any variances falling between produce at capacity, the bottleneck will be those limits are considered to be normal. Any unable to process all of the work in process. In variances falling outside of those limits are general, if every workstation is attempting to considered abnormal and are investigated. produce at capacity, then work in process inventory will build up in front of the 10-13 If labor is a fixed cost and standards are workstations with the least capacity. tight, then the only way to generate favorable labor efficiency variances is for every workstation to produce at capacity. However, the © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 488 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  3. 3. Exercise 10-1 (20 minutes) 1. Number of chopping blocks .................................. 4,000 Number of board feet per chopping block ............. × 2.5 Standard board feet allowed ................................ 10,000 Standard cost per board foot................................ × $1.80 Total standard cost .............................................. $18,000 Actual cost incurred ............................................. $18,700 Standard cost above ............................................ 18,000 Spending variance—unfavorable ........................... $ 700 2. Standard Quantity Allowed Actual Quantity of Actual Quantity of for Actual Output, Input, Input, at Standard Price at Standard Price at Actual Price (SQ × SP) (AQ × SP) (AQ × AP) 10,000 board feet × 11,000 board feet × $1.80 per board foot $1.80 per board foot = $18,000 = $19,800 $18,700 Materials quantity Materials price variance = $1,800 U variance = $1,100 F Spending variance = $700 U Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Materials quantity variance = SP (AQ – SQ) = $1.80 per board foot (11,000 board feet – 10,000 board feet) = $1,800 U Materials price variance = AQ (AP – SP) = 11,000 board feet ($1.70 per board foot* – $1.80 per board foot) = $1,100 F *$18,700 ÷ 11,000 board feet = $1.70 per board foot. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 489
  4. 4. Exercise 10-2 (20 minutes) 1. Number of meals prepared ..................... 6,000 Standard direct labor-hours per meal ...... × 0.20 Total direct labor-hours allowed .............. 1,200 Standard direct labor cost per hour ......... × $9.50 Total standard direct labor cost ............... $11,400 Actual cost incurred................................ $11,500 Total standard direct labor cost (above) .. 11,400 Spending variance .................................. $ 100 Unfavorable 2. Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 1,200 hours × 1,150 hours × 1,150 hours × $9.50 per hour $9.50 per hour $10.00 per hour = $11,400 = $10,925 = $11,500 Labor efficiency variance Labor rate variance = $475 F = $575 U Spending variance = $100 U Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Labor efficiency variance = SR(AH – SH) = $9.50 per hour (1,150 hours – 1,200 hours) = $475 F Labor rate variance = AH(AR – SR) = 1,150 hours ($10.00 per hour – $9.50 per hour) = $575 U © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 490 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  5. 5. Exercise 10-3 (20 minutes) 1. Number of items shipped ................................. 140,000 Standard direct labor-hours per item ................ × 0.04 Total direct labor-hours allowed ....................... 5,600 Standard variable overhead cost per hour ......... × $2.80 Total standard variable overhead cost .............. $15,680 Actual variable overhead cost incurred ............. $15,950 Total standard variable overhead cost (above) .. 15,680 Spending variance ........................................... $ 270 Unfavorable 2. Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 5,600 hours × 5,800 hours × 5,800 hours × $2.80 per hour $2.80 per hour $2.75 per hour* = $15,680 = $16,240 = $15,950 Variable overhead Variable overhead efficiency variance rate variance = $560 U = $290 F Spending variance = $270 U *$15,950 ÷ 5,800 hours = $2.75 per hour Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Variable overhead efficiency variance = SR(AH – SH) = $2.80 per hour (5,800 hours – 5,600 hours) = $560 U Variable overhead rate variance = AH(AR – SR) = 5,800 hours ($2.75 per hour – $2.80 per hour) = $290 F © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 491
  6. 6. Exercise 10-4 (30 minutes) 1. Number of units manufactured ............................. 20,000 Standard labor time per unit (6 minutes ÷ 60 minutes per hour) .................... × 0.10 Total standard hours of labor time allowed ............ 2,000 Standard direct labor rate per hour....................... × $24.00 Total standard direct labor cost ............................ $48,000 Actual direct labor cost ........................................ $49,300 Standard direct labor cost .................................... 48,000 Spending variance—unfavorable ........................... $ 1,300 2. Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 2,000 hours* × 2,125 hours × $24.00 per hour $24.00 per hour = $48,000 = $51,000 $49,300 Labor efficiency variance Labor rate variance = $3,000 U = $1,700 F Spending variance = $1,300 U *20,000 units × 0.10 hour per unit = 2,000 hours Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Labor efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $24.00 per hour (2,125 hours – 2,000 hours) = $3,000 U Labor rate variance = AH (AR – SR) = 2,125 hours ($23.20 per hour* – $24.00 per hour) = $1,700 F *$49,300 ÷ 2,125 hours = $23.20 per hour © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 492 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  7. 7. Exercise 10-4 (continued) 3. Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 2,000 hours × 2,125 hours × $16.00 per hour $16.00 per hour = $32,000 = $34,000 $39,100 Variable overhead Variable overhead efficiency variance rate variance = $2,000 U = $5,100 U Spending variance = $7,100 U Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Variable overhead efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) =$16.00 per hour (2,125 hours – 2,000 hours) = $2,000 U Variable overhead rate variance = AH (AR – SR) = 2,125 hours ($18.40 per hour* – $16.00 per hour) = $5,100 U *$39,100 ÷ 2,125 hours = $18.40 per hour © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 493
  8. 8. Exercise 10-5 (20 minutes) 1. If the total labor spending variance is $330 unfavorable, and if the labor rate variance is $150 favorable, then the labor efficiency variance must be $480 unfavorable, because the labor rate and labor efficiency variances taken together equal the total labor spending variance. Knowing that the labor efficiency variance is $480 unfavorable, one approach to the solution would be: Labor efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) $12 per hour (AH – 210 hours*) = $480 U $12 per hour × AH – $2,520 = $480** $12 per hour × AH = $3,000 AH = 250 hours * 168 batches × 1.25 hours per batch = 210 hours ** When used with the formula, unfavorable variances are positive and favorable variances are negative. 2. Knowing that 250 hours of labor time were used during the week, the actual rate of pay per hour can be computed as follows: Labor rate variance = AH (AR – SR) 250 hours (AR – $12 per hour) = $150 F 250 hours × AR – $3,000 = -$150* 250 hours × AR = $2,850 AR = $11.40 per hour * When used with the formula, unfavorable variances are positive and favorable variances are negative. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 494 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  9. 9. Exercise 10-5 (continued) An alternative approach would be to work from known to unknown data in the columnar model for variance analysis: Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 210 hours§ × 250 hours × 250 hours × $12.00 per hour* $12.00 per hour* $11.40 per hour = $2,520 = $3,000 = $2,850 Labor efficiency variance Labor rate variance = $480 U = $150 F* Spending variance = $330 U* § 168 batches × 1.25 hours per batch = 210 hours *Given © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 495
  10. 10. Exercise 10-6 (20 minutes) 1. Standard Quantity Allowed Actual Quantity of Actual Quantity of for Actual Output, Input, Input, at Standard Price at Standard Price at Actual Price (SQ × SP) (AQ × SP) (AQ × AP) 18,000 ounces* × 20,000 ounces × 20,000 ounces × $2.50 per ounce $2.50 per ounce $2.40 per ounce = $45,000 = $50,000 = $48,000 Materials quantity Materials price variance = $5,000 U variance = $2,000 F Spending variance = $3,000 U *2,500 units × 7.2 ounces per unit = 18,000 ounces Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Materials quantity variance = SP (AQ – SQ) = $2.50 per ounce (20,000 ounces – 18,000 ounces) = $5,000 U Materials price variance = AQ (AP – SP) = 20,000 ounces ($2.40 per ounce – $2.50 per ounce) = $2,000 F © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 496 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  11. 11. Exercise 10-6 (continued) 2. Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 1,000 hours* × 900 hours × $10.00 per hour $10.00 per hour = $10,000 = $9,000 $10,800 Labor efficiency variance Labor rate variance = $1,000 F = $1,800 U Spending variance = $800 U *2,500 units × 0.4 hour per unit = 1,000 hours Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Labor efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $10 per hour (900 hours – 1,000 hours) = 1,000 F Labor rate variance = AH (AR – SR) = 900 hours ($12 per hour* – $10 per hour) = $1,800 U *10,800 ÷ 900 hours = $12 per hour © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 497
  12. 12. Exercise 10-7 (15 minutes) Notice in the solution below that the materials price variance is computed on the entire amount of materials purchased, whereas the materials quantity variance is computed only on the amount of materials used in production. Standard Quantity Allowed Actual Quantity Actual Quantity for Actual Output, of Input, of Input, at Standard Price at Standard Price at Actual Price (SQ × SP) (AQ × SP) (AQ × AP) 14,400 ounces* × 16,000 ounces × 20,000 ounces × $2.50 per ounce $2.50 per ounce $2.40 per ounce = $36,000 = $40,000 = $48,000 Materials quantity variance = $4,000 U 20,000 ounces × $2.50 per ounce = $50,000 Materials price variance = $2,000 F *2,000 bottles × 7.2 ounces per bottle = 14,400 ounces Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Materials quantity variance = SP (AQ – SQ) = $2.50 per ounce (16,000 ounces – 14,400 ounces) = $4,000 U Materials price variance = AQ (AP – SP) = 20,000 ounces ($2.40 per ounce – $2.50 per ounce) = $2,000 F © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 498 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  13. 13. Exercise 10-8 (30 minutes) 1. a. Notice in the solution below that the materials price variance is computed on the entire amount of materials purchased, whereas the materials quantity variance is computed only on the amount of materials used in production. Standard Quantity Allowed Actual Quantity Actual Quantity for Actual Output, of Input, of Input, at Standard Price at Standard Price at Actual Price (SQ × SP) (AQ × SP) (AQ × AP) 40,000 diodes* × 50,000 diodes × 70,000 diodes × $0.30 per diode $0.30 per diode $0.28 per diode = $12,000 = $15,000 = $19,600 Materials quantity variance = $3,000 U 70,000 diodes × $0.30 per diode = $21,000 Materials price variance = $1,400 F *5,000 toys × 8 diodes per toy = 40,000 diodes Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Materials quantity variance = SP (AQ – SQ) = $0.30 per diode (50,000 diodes – 40,000 diodes) = $3,000 U Materials price variance = AQ (AP – SP) = 70,000 diodes ($0.28 per diode – $0.30 per diode) = $1,400 F © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 499
  14. 14. Exercise 10-8 (continued) b. Direct labor variances: Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 3,000 hours* × 3,200 hours × $14.00 per hour $14.00 per hour = $42,000 = $44,800 $48,000 Labor efficiency variance Labor rate variance = $2,800 U = $3,200 U Spending variance = $6,000 U *5,000 toys × 0.6 hours per toy = 3,000 hours Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Labor efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $14.00 per hour (3,200 hours –3,000 hours) = $2,800 U Labor rate variance = AH (AR – SR) = 3,200 hours ($15.00* per hour – $14.00 per hour) = $3,200 U *$48,000 ÷ 3,200 hours = $15.00 per hour © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 500 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  15. 15. Exercise 10-8 (continued) 2. A variance usually has many possible explanations. In particular, we should always keep in mind that the standards themselves may be incorrect. Some of the other possible explanations for the variances observed at Topper Toys appear below: Materials Price Variance Since this variance is favorable, the actual price paid per unit for the material was less than the standard price. This could occur for a variety of reasons including the purchase of a lower grade material at a discount, buying in an unusually large quantity to take advantage of quantity discounts, a change in the market price of the material, and particularly sharp bargaining by the purchasing department. Materials Quantity Variance Since this variance is unfavorable, more materials were used to produce the actual output than were called for by the standard. This could also occur for a variety of reasons. Some of the possibilities include poorly trained or supervised workers, improperly adjusted machines, and defective materials. Labor Rate Variance Since this variance is unfavorable, the actual average wage rate was higher than the standard wage rate. Some of the possible explanations include an increase in wages that has not been reflected in the standards, unanticipated overtime, and a shift toward more highly paid workers. Labor Efficiency Variance Since this variance is unfavorable, the actual number of labor hours was greater than the standard labor hours allowed for the actual output. As with the other variances, this variance could have been caused by any of a number of factors. Some of the possible explanations include poor supervision, poorly trained workers, low-quality materials requiring more labor time to process, and machine breakdowns. In addition, if the direct labor force is essentially fixed, an unfavorable labor efficiency variance could be caused by a reduction in output due to decreased demand for the company's products. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 501
  16. 16. Problem 10-9 (45 minutes) 1. a. Standard Quantity Allowed Actual Quantity Actual Quantity for Actual Output, of Input, of Input, at Standard Price at Standard Price at Actual Price (SQ × SP) (AQ × SP) (AQ × AP) 20,000 pounds* × 19,800 pounds × 25,000 pounds × $2.50 per pound $2.50 per pound $2.95 per pound = $50,000 = $49,500 = $73,750 Materials quantity variance = $500 F 25,000 pounds × $2.50 per pound = $62,500 Materials price variance = $11,250 U *5,000 ingots × 4.0 pounds per ingot = 20,000 pounds Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Materials quantity variance = SP (AQ – SQ) = $2.50 per pound (19,800 pounds – 20,000 pounds) = $500 F Materials price variance = AQ (AP – SP) = 25,000 pounds ($2.95 per pound – $2.50 per pound) = $11,250 U © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 502 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  17. 17. Problem 10-9 (continued) 1. b. Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 3,000 hours* × 3,600 hours × 3,600 hours × $9.00 per hour $9.00 per hour $8.70 per hour = $27,000 = $32,400 = $31,320 Labor efficiency variance Labor rate variance = $5,400 U = $1,080 F Spending variance = $4,320 U *5,000 ingots × 0.6 hour per ingot = 3,000 hours Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Labor efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $9.00 per hour (3,600 hours – 3,000 hours) = $5,400 U Labor rate variance = AH (AR – SR) = 3,600 hours ($8.70 per hour – $9.00 per hour) = $1,080 F © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 503
  18. 18. Problem 10-9 (continued) 1. c. Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 1,500 hours* × 1,800 hours × $2.00 per hour $2.00 per hour = $3,000 = $3,600 $4,320 Variable overhead Variable overhead efficiency variance rate variance = $600 U = $720 U Spending variance = $1,320 U *5,000 ingots × 0.3 hours per ingot = 1,500 hours Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Variable overhead efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $2.00 per hour (1,800 hours – 1,500 hours) = $600 U Variable overhead rate variance = AH (AR – SR) = 1,800 hours ($2.40 per hour* – $2.00 per hour) = $720 U *$4,320 ÷ 1,800 hours = $2.40 per hour © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 504 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  19. 19. Problem 10-9 (continued) 2. Summary of variances: Material quantity variance ...................... $ 500 F Material price variance .......................... 11,250 U Labor efficiency variance ....................... 5,400 U Labor rate variance ............................... 1,080 F Variable overhead efficiency variance ..... 600 U Variable overhead rate variance ............. 720 U Net variance ......................................... $16,390 U The net unfavorable variance of $16,390 for the month caused the plant's variable cost of goods sold to increase from the budgeted level of $80,000 to $96,390: Budgeted cost of goods sold at $16 per ingot ...... $80,000 Add the net unfavorable variance (as above) ....... 16,390 Actual cost of goods sold .................................... $96,390 This $16,390 net unfavorable variance also accounts for the difference between the budgeted net operating income and the actual net loss for the month. Budgeted net operating income .......................... $15,000 Deduct the net unfavorable variance added to cost of goods sold for the month ..................... 16,390 Net operating loss ............................................. $(1,390) 3. The two most significant variances are the materials price variance and the labor efficiency variance. Possible causes of the variances include: Materials price variance: Outdated standards, uneconomical quantity purchased, higher quality materials, high-cost method of transport. Labor efficiency variance: Poorly trained workers, poor quality materials, faulty equipment, work interruptions, inaccurate standards, insufficient demand. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 505
  20. 20. Problem 10-10 (45 minutes) 1. The standard quantity of plates allowed for tests performed during the month would be: Smears ................................. 2,700 Blood tests ............................ 900 Total ..................................... 3,600 Plates per test ....................... × 3 Standard quantity allowed...... 10,800 The variance analysis for plates would be: Standard Quantity Allowed Actual Quantity Actual Quantity for Actual Output, of Input, of Input, at Standard Price at Standard Price at Actual Price (SQ × SP) (AQ × SP) (AQ × AP) 10,800 plates × 14,000 plates × $2.50 per plate $2.50 per plate = $27,000 = $35,000 $38,400 Materials quantity variance = $8,000 U 16,000 plates × $2.50 per plate = $40,000 Materials price variance = $1,600 F Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Materials quantity variance = SP (AQ – SQ) = $2.50 per plate (14,000 plates – 10,800 plates) = $8,000 U s Materials price variance = AQ (AP – SP) = 16,000 plates ($2.40 per plate* – $2.50 per plate) = $1,600 F *$38,400 ÷ 16,000 plates = $2.40 per plate. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 506 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  21. 21. Problem 10-10 (continued) Note that all of the price variance is due to the hospital's 4% quantity discount. Also note that the $8,000 quantity variance for the month is equal to nearly 30% of the standard cost allowed for plates. This variance may be the result of using too many assistants in the lab. 2. a. The standard hours allowed for tests performed during the month would be: Smears: 0.3 hour per test × 2,700 tests ..... 810 Blood tests: 0.6 hour per test × 900 tests ... 540 Total standard hours allowed ...................... 1,350 The variance analysis of labor would be: Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 1,350 hours × 1,800 hours × $12 per hour $12 per hour = $16,200 = $21,600 $18,450 Labor efficiency variance Labor rate variance = $5,400 U = $3,150 F Spending variance = $2,250 U Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Labor efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $12 per hour (1,800 hours – 1,350 hours) = $5,400 U Labor rate variance = AH (AR – SR) = 1,800 hours ($10.25 per hour* – $12.00 per hour) = $3,150 F *$18,450 ÷ 1,800 hours = $10.25 per hour © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 507
  22. 22. Problem 10-10 (continued) 2. b. The policy probably should not be continued. Although the hospital is saving $1.75 per hour by employing more assistants relative to the number of senior technicians than other hospitals, this savings is more than offset by other factors. Too much time is being taken in performing lab tests, as indicated by the large unfavorable labor efficiency variance. And, it seems likely that most (or all) of the hospital's unfavorable quantity variance for plates is traceable to inadequate supervision of assistants in the lab. 3. The variable overhead variances follow: Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 1,350 hours × 1,800 hours × $6.00 per hour $6.00 per hour = $8,100 = $10,800 $11,700 Variable overhead Variable overhead efficiency variance rate variance = $2,700 U = $900 U Spending variance = $3,600 U Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Variable overhead efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $6 per hour (1,800 hours – 1,350 hours) = $2,700 U Variable overhead rate variance = AH (AR – SR) = 1,800 hours ($6.50 per hour* – $6.00 per hour) = $900 U *$11,700 ÷ 1,800 hours = $6.50 per hour Yes, the two variances are related. Both are computed by comparing actual labor time to the standard hours allowed for the output of the period. Thus, if there is an unfavorable labor efficiency variance, there will also be an unfavorable variable overhead efficiency variance. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 508 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  23. 23. Problem 10-11 (45 minutes) 1. a. In the solution below, the materials price variance is computed on the entire amount of materials purchased, whereas the materials quantity variance is computed only on the amount of materials used in production: Standard Quantity Allowed Actual Quantity Actual Quantity for Actual Output, of Input, of Input, at Standard Price at Standard Price at Actual Price (SQ × SP) (AQ × SP) (AQ × AP) 4,500 pounds* × 6,000 pounds × $6.00 per pound $6.00 per pound = $27,000 = $36,000 $46,000 Materials quantity variance = $9,000 U 8,000 pounds × $6.00 per pound = $48,000 Materials price variance = $2,000 F *3,000 units × 1.5 pounds per unit = 4,500 pounds Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Materials quantity variance = SP (AQ – SQ) = $6 per pound (6,000 pounds – 4,500 pounds) = $9,000 U Materials price variance = AQ (AP – SP) = 8,000 pounds ($5.75 per pound* – $6.00 per pound) = $2,000 F *$46,000 ÷ 8,000 pounds = $5.75 per pound b. No, the contract should probably not be signed. Although the new supplier is offering the material at only $5.75 per pound, the large materials quantity variance indicates a problem using these materials is production. The company still has 2,000 pounds of unused material in the warehouse; if these materials do as poorly in production as the 6,000 pounds already used, the total quantity variance on the 8,000 pounds of materials purchased will be very large. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 509
  24. 24. Problem 10-11 (continued) 2. a. Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 1,800 hours* × 1,600 hours** × 1,600 hours** × $12.00 per hour $12.00 per hour $12.50 per hour = $21,600 = $19,200 = $20,000 Labor efficiency variance Labor rate variance = $2,400 F = $800 U Spending variance = $1,600 F * 3,000 units × 0.6 hours per unit = 1,800 hours ** 10 workers × 160 hours per worker = 1,600 hours Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Labor efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $12.00 per hour (1,600 hours – 1,800 hours) = $2,400 F Labor rate variance = AH (AR – SR) = 1,600 hours ($12.50 per hour – $12.00 per hour) = $800 U b. Yes, the new labor mix should probably be continued. Although it increases the average hourly labor cost from $12.00 to $12.50, resulting in an $800 unfavorable labor rate variance, this is more than offset by greater efficiency of labor time. Notice that the labor efficiency variance is $2,400 favorable. Thus, the new labor mix reduces overall labor costs. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 510 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  25. 25. Problem 10-11 (continued) 3. Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 1,800 hours × 1,600 hours × $2.50 per hour $2.50 per hour = $4,500 = $4,000 $3,600 Variable overhead Variable overhead efficiency variance rate variance = $500 F = $400 F Spending variance = $900 F Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Variable overhead efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $2.50 per hour (1,600 hours – 1,800 hours) = $500 F Variable overhead rate variance = AH (AR – SR) = 1,600 hours ($2.25 per hour* – $2.50 per hour) = $400 F *$3,600 ÷ 1,600 hours = $2.25 per hour Both the labor efficiency variance and the variable overhead efficiency variance are computed by comparing actual labor-hours to standard labor-hours. Thus, if the labor efficiency variance is favorable, then the variable overhead efficiency variance will be favorable as well. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 511
  26. 26. Problem 10-12 (45 minutes) 1. a. Standard Quantity Allowed Actual Quantity of Actual Quantity of for Actual Output, Input, Input, at Standard Price at Standard Price at Actual Price (SQ × SP) (AQ × SP) (AQ × AP) 21,600 feet* × 21,000 feet** × 21,000 feet** × $3.00 per foot $3.00 per foot $3.20 per foot = $64,800 = $63,000 = $67,200 Materials quantity Materials price variance = $1,800 F variance = $4,200 U Spending variance = $2,400 U * 12,000 units × 1.80 feet per unit = 21,600 feet ** 12,000 units × 1.75 feet per unit = 21,000 feet Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Materials quantity variance = SP (AQ – SQ) = $3.00 per foot (21,000 feet – 21,600 feet) = $1,800 F Materials price variance = AQ (AP – SP) = 21,000 feet ($3.20 per foot – $3.00 per foot) = $4,200 U © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 512 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  27. 27. Problem 10-12 (continued) 1. b. Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 10,800 hours* × 11,400 hours** × 11,400 hours** × $18.00 per hour $18.00 per hour $17.40 per hour = $194,400 = $205,200 = $198,360 Labor efficiency variance Labor rate variance = $10,800 U = $6,840 F Spending variance = $3,960 U * 12,000 units × 0.90 hours per unit = 10,800 hours ** 12,000 units × 0.95 hours per unit = 11,400 hours Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Labor efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $18.00 per hour (11,400 hours – 10,800 hours) = $10,800 U Labor rate variance = AH (AR – SR) = 11,400 hours ($17.40 per hour – $18.00 per hour) = $6,840 F © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 513
  28. 28. Problem 10-12 (continued) 1. c. Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 10,800 hours* × 11,400 hours** × 11,400 hours** × $5.00 per hour $5.00 per hour $4.60 per hour = $54,000 = $57,000 = $52,440 Variable overhead Variable overhead efficiency variance rate variance = $3,000 U = $4,560 F Spending variance = $1,560 F * 12,000 units × 0.90 hours per unit = 10,800 hours ** 12,000 units × 0.95 hours per unit = 11,400 hours Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Variable overhead efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $5.00 per hour (11,400 hours – 10,800 hours) = $3,000 U Variable overhead rate variance = AH (AR – SR) = 11,400 hours ($4.60 per hour – $5.00 per hour) = $4,560 F 2. Materials: Quantity variance ($1,800 ÷ 12,000 units)...... $0.15 F Price variance ($4,200 ÷ 12,000 units) ........... 0.35 U $0.20 U Labor: Efficiency variance ($10,800 ÷ 12,000 units) .. 0.90 U Rate variance ($6,840 ÷ 12,000 units) ........... 0.57 F 0.33 U Variable overhead: Efficiency variance ($3,000 ÷ 12,000 units) .... 0.25 U Rate variance ($4,560 ÷ 12,000 units) ........... 0.38 F 0.13 F Excess of actual over standard cost per unit ........ $0.40 U © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 514 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  29. 29. Problem 10-12 (continued) 3. Both the labor efficiency and variable overhead efficiency variances are affected by inefficient use of labor time. Excess of actual over standard cost per unit ....... $0.40 U Less portion attributable to labor inefficiency: Labor efficiency variance ................................... 0.90 U Variable overhead efficiency variance ................. 0.25 U 1.15 U Portion due to other variances ........................... $0.75 F In sum, had it not been for the apparent inefficient use of labor time, the total variance in unit cost for the month would have been favorable by $0.75 rather than unfavorable by $0.40. 4. Although the excess of actual cost over standard cost is only $0.40 per unit, the total amount of $4,800 (= $0.40 per unit × 12,000 units) is substantial. Moreover, the details of the variances are significant. The materials price variance is $4,200 U, the labor efficiency variance is $10,800 U, the labor rate variance is $6,840 F, the variable overhead efficiency variance is $3,000 U, and the variable rate variance is $4,560 F. Taken together, the two variances that reflect apparent inefficient use of the labor time total $13,800 U. Each of these variances may warrant further investigation. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 515
  30. 30. Problem 10-13 (45 minutes) 1. a. Materials price variance = AQ (AP – SP) 6,000 pounds ($2.75 per pound* – SP) = $1,500 F** $16,500 – 6,000 pounds × SP = $1,500*** 6,000 pounds × SP = $18,000 SP = $3.00 per pound * $16,500 ÷ 6,000 pounds = $2.75 per pound ** $1,200 U + ? = $300 F; $1,200 U – $1,500 F = $300 F *** When used with the formula, unfavorable variances are positive and favorable variances are negative. b. Materials quantity variance = SP (AQ – SQ) $3.00 per pound (6,000 pounds – SQ) = $1,200 U $18,000 – $3.00 per pound × SQ = $1,200* $3.00 per pound × SQ = $16,800 SQ = 5,600 pounds *When used with the formula, unfavorable variances are positive and favorable variances are negative. Alternative approach to parts (a) and (b): Standard Quantity Allowed Actual Quantity of Actual Quantity of for Actual Output, Input, Input, at Standard Price at Standard Price at Actual Price (SQ × SP) (AQ × SP) (AQ × AP) 5,600 pounds × 6,000 pounds* × $3.00 per pound $3.00 per pound = $16,800 = $18,000 $16,500* Materials quantity Materials price variance = $1,200 U* variance = $1,500 F Spending variance = $300 F* *Given. c. 5,600 pounds ÷ 1,400 units = 4 pounds per unit. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 516 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  31. 31. Problem 10-13 (continued) 2. a. Labor efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) $9.00 per hour (AH – 3,500 hours*) = $4,500 F $9.00 per hour × AH – $31,500 = –$4,500** $9.00 per hour × AH = $27,000 AH = 3,000 hours *1,400 units × 2.5 hours per unit = 3,500 hours **When used with the formula, unfavorable variances are positive and favorable variances are negative. b. Labor rate variance = AH (AR – SR) 3,000 hours ($9.50 per hour* – $9.00 per hour) = $1,500 U Alternative approach to parts (a) and (b): Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 3,500 hours*** × 3,000 hours × 3,000 hours × $9.00 per hour** $9.00 per hour** $9.50 per hour* = $31,500 = $27,000 = $28,500* Labor efficiency variance Labor rate variance = $4,500 F* = $1,500 U Spending variance = $3,000 F * $28,500 total labor cost ÷ 3,000 hours = $9.50 per hour ** Given *** 1,400 units × 2.5 hours per unit = 3,500 hours © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 517
  32. 32. Problem 10-14 (60 minutes) 1. Total standard cost for units produced during August: 500 kits × $42 per kit ........................................................ $21,000 Less standard cost of labor and overhead: Direct labor ....................................................................... (8,000) Variable manufacturing overhead ........................................ (1,600) Standard cost of materials used during August ....................... $11,400 2. Standard cost of materials used during August (a) ................. $11,400 Number of units produced (b) ............................................... 500 Standard materials cost per kit (a) ÷ (b) ................................ $22.80 Standard materials cost per kit $22.80 per kit = =3.8 yards per kit Standard materials cost per yard $6 per yard 3. Since there were no beginning or ending inventories of materials, all of the materials that were purchased during the period were used in production. Therefore, the sum of the price and quantity variances equals the spending variance, which is the difference between the actual cost and standard cost of materials used in production. Actual cost of material used.............. $10,000 Standard cost of material used ......... 11,400 Spending variance............................ $ 1,400 F As discussed above, in this case the price and quantity variances together equal the spending variance. If the quantity variance is $600 U, then the price variance must be $2,000F: Materials price variance .................... $ 2,000 F Materials quantity variance ............... 600 U Spending variance ........................... $ 1,400 F © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 518 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  33. 33. Problem 10-14 (continued) Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Standard Quantity Allowed Actual Quantity of Actual Quantity of for Actual Output, Input, Input, at Standard Price at Standard Price at Actual Price (SQ × SP) (AQ × SP) (AQ × AP) 1,900 yards** × 2,000 yards × 2,000 yards × $6 per yard* $6 per yard* $5 per yard = $11,400 = $12,000 = $10,000* Materials quantity Materials price variance = $600 U* variance = $2,000 F Spending variance = $1,400 F *Given. **500 kits × 3.8 yards per kit = 1,900 yards 4. The first step in computing the standard direct labor rate is to determine the standard direct labor-hours allowed for the month's production. The standard direct labor-hours can be computed by working with the variable manufacturing overhead cost figures because they are based on direct labor-hours worked: Standard manufacturing variable overhead cost for August (a) ................................................................. $1,600 Standard manufacturing variable overhead rate per direct labor-hour (b) .................................................. $2 Standard direct labor-hours for the month (a) ÷ (b) ....... 800 Total standard labor cost for the month $8,000 = Total standard direct labor-hours for the month 800 DLHs = $10 per DLH © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 519
  34. 34. Problem 10-14 (continued) 5. Before the labor variances can be computed, the actual direct labor cost for the month must be computed: Actual cost per kit produced ($42.00 + $0.14) ...... $ 42.14 Number of kits produced ..................................... × 500 Total actual cost of production ............................. $21,070 Less: Actual cost of materials ............................... $10,000 Actual cost of manufacturing variable overhead ................................................. 1,620 11,620 Actual cost of direct labor .................................... $ 9,450 With this information, the variances can be computed: Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 900 hours* × $10 per hour $8,000* = $9,000 $9,450 Labor efficiency variance Labor rate variance = $1,000 U = $450 U Spending variance = $1,450 U *Given. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 520 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  35. 35. Problem 10-14 (continued) 6. Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 900 hours* × $2 per hour* $1,600* = $1,800 $1,620* Variable overhead Variable overhead efficiency variance rate variance = $200 U = $180 F Spending variance = $20 U *Given. 7. Standard Standard Quantity or Standard Price Cost per Hours per Kit or Rate Kit 1 Direct materials ................. 3.8 yards $ 6 per yard $22.80 2 3 Direct labor ....................... 1.6 hours $10 per hour 16.00 Variable manufacturing overhead ........................ 1.6 hours $ 2 per hour 3.20 Total standard cost per kit.. $42.00 1 From part 2. 2 800 hours (from part 4) ÷ 500 kits = 1.6 hours per kit. 3 From part 4. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 521
  36. 36. Problem 10-15 (45 minutes) This is a very difficult problem that is harder than it looks. Be sure your students have been thoroughly ―checked out‖ in the variance formulas before assigning it. 1. Standard Quantity Allowed Actual Quantity of Actual Quantity of for Actual Output, Input, Input, at Standard Price at Standard Price at Actual Price (SQ × SP) (AQ × SP) (AQ × AP) 5,600 yards** × 6,000 yards × $6.50 per yard* $6.50 per yard* = $36,400 = $39,000 $36,000 Materials quantity Materials price variance = $2,600 U variance = $3,000 F Spending variance = $400 F * $18.20 ÷ 2.8 yards = $6.50 per yard. ** 2,000 units × 2.8 yards per unit = 5,600 yards Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Materials quantity variance = SP (AQ – SQ) = $6.50 per yard (6,000 yards – 5,600 yards) = $2,600 U Materials price variance = AQ (AP – SP) = 6,000 yards ($6.00 per yard* – $6.50 per yard) = $3,000 F *$36,000 ÷ 6,000 yards = $6.00 per yard © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 522 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  37. 37. Problem 10-15 (continued) 2. Many students will miss parts 2 and 3 because they will try to use product costs as if they were hourly costs. Pay particular attention to the computation of the standard direct labor time per unit and the standard direct labor rate per hour. Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 800 hours** × 760 hours × $9 per hour* $9 per hour* = $7,200 = $6,840 $7,600 Labor efficiency variance Labor rate variance = $360 F $760 U Spending variance = $400 U * 780 standard hours ÷ 1,950 robes = 0.4 standard hour per robe $3.60 standard cost per robe ÷ 0.4 standard hours = $9 standard rate per hour ** 2,000 robes × 0.4 standard hour per robe = 800 standard hours Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Labor efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $9 per hour (760 hours – 800 hours) = $360 F Labor rate variance = AH (AR – SR) = 760 hours ($10 per hour* – $9 per hour) = $760 U *$7,600 ÷ 760 hours = $10 per hour © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 523
  38. 38. Problem 10-15 (continued) 3. Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 800 hours × 760 hours × $3.00 per hour* $3.00 per hour* = $2,400 = $2,280 $3,800 Variable overhead Variable overhead efficiency variance rate variance = $120 F = $1,520 U Spending variance = $1,400 U * $1.20 standard cost per robe ÷ 0.4 standard hours = $3.00 standard rate per hour Alternatively, the variances can be computed using the formulas: Variable overhead efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $3.00 per hour (760 hours – 800 hours) = $120 F Variable overhead rate variance = AH (AR – SR) = 760 hours ($5.00 per hour* – $3.00 per hour) = $1,520 U *$3,800 ÷ 760 hours = $5.00 per hour © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 524 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  39. 39. Problem 10-16 (45 minutes) 1. Standard Quantity or Standard Price Standard Hours or Rate Cost Alpha8: Direct materials—X342 ...... 1.8 kilos $3.50 per kilo $ 6.30 Direct materials—Y561 ...... 2.0 liters $1.40 per liter 2.80 Direct labor—Sintering....... 0.20 hours $20.00 per hour 4.00 Direct labor—Finishing ....... 0.80 hours $19.00 per hour 15.20 Total ................................ $28.30 Zeta9: Direct materials—X342 ...... 3.0 kilos $3.50 per kilo $10.50 Direct materials—Y561 ...... 4.5 liters $1.40 per liter 6.30 Direct labor—Sintering....... 0.35 hours $20.00 per hour 7.00 Direct labor—Finishing ....... 0.90 hours $19.00 per hour 17.10 Total ................................ $40.90 © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 525
  40. 40. Problem 10-16 (continued) 2. The computations to follow will require the standard quantities allowed for the actual output for each material. Standard Quantity Allowed Material X342: Production of Alpha8 (1.8 kilos per unit × 1,500 units) ...... 2,700 kilos Production of Zeta9 (3.0 kilos per unit × 2,000 units)........ 6,000 kilos Total .............................................................................. 8,700 kilos Material Y561: Production of Alpha8 (2.0 liters per unit × 1,500 units) ..... 3,000 liters Production of Zeta9 (4.5 liters per unit × 2,000 units) ....... 9,000 liters Total .............................................................................. 12,000 liters Direct Materials Variances—Material X342: Materials quantity variance = SP (AQ – SQ) = $3.50 per kilo (8,500 kilos – 8,700 kilos) = $700 F Materials price variance = AQ (AP – SP) = 14,000 kilos ($3.70 per kilo* – $3.50 per kilo) = $2,800 U *$51,800 ÷ 14,000 kilos = $3.70 per kilo Direct Materials Variances—Material Y561: Materials quantity variance = SP (AQ – SQ) = $1.40 per liter (13,000 liters – 12,000 liters) = $1,400 U Materials price variance = AQ (AP – SP) = 15,000 liters ($1.30 per liter* – $1.40 per liter) = $1,500 F *$19,500 ÷ 15,000 liters = $1.30 per liter © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 526 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  41. 41. Problem 10-16 (continued) 3. The computations to follow will require the standard quantities allowed for the actual output for direct labor in each department. Standard Hours Allowed Sintering: Production of Alpha8 (0.20 hours per unit × 1,500 units) .. 300 hours Production of Zeta9 (0.35 hours per unit × 2,000 units) .... 700 hours Total .............................................................................. 1,000 hours Finishing: Production of Alpha8 (0.80 hours per unit × 1,500 units) .. 1,200 hours Production of Zeta9 (0.90 hours per unit × 2,000 units) .... 1,800 hours Total .............................................................................. 3,000 hours Direct Labor Variances—Sintering: Labor efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $20.00 per hour (1,200 hours – 1,000 hours) = $4,000 U Labor rate variance = AH (AR – SR) = 1,200 hours ($22.50 per hour* – $20.00 per hour) = $3,000 U *$27,000 ÷ 1,200 hours = $22.50 per hour Direct Labor Variances—Finishing: Labor efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $19.00 per hour (2,850 hours – 3,000 hours) = $2,850 F Labor rate variance = AH (AR – SR) = 2,850 hours ($21.00 per hour* – $19.00 per hour) = $5,700 U *$59,850 ÷ 2,850 hours = $21.00 per hour © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 527
  42. 42. Case 10-17 (60 minutes) 1. The number of units produced can be computed by using the total standard cost applied for the period for any input—materials, labor, or variable overhead. Using the standard cost applied for materials, we have: Total standard cost applied $608,000 = =19,000 units Standard cost per unit $32.00 per unit The same answer can be obtained by using any other cost input. 2. 40,000 meters; see the following pages for a detailed analysis. 3. $15.71 per meter; see the following pages for a detailed analysis. 4. 20,000 hours; see the following pages for a detailed analysis. 5. $15.20 per hour; see the following pages for a detailed analysis. 6. $176,000; see the following pages for a detailed analysis. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 528 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  43. 43. Case 10-17 (continued) Direct materials analysis: Standard Quantity Allowed Actual Quantity of Actual Quantity of for Actual Output, Input, Input, at Standard Price at Standard Price at Actual Price (SQ × SP) (AQ × SP) (AQ × AP) 38,000 meters* × 40,000 meters** × 40,000 meters × $16.00 per meter $16.00 per meter $15.71 per meter*** = $608,000 = $640,000 = $628,400 Materials quantity Materials price variance = $32,000 U variance = $11,600 F * 19,000 units × 2.0 meters per unit = 38,000 meters ** $640,000 ÷ $16.00 per meter = 40,000 meters *** $628,400 ÷ 40,000 meters = $15.71 per meter Direct labor analysis: Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 19,000 hours* 20,000 hours × 20,000 hours × × $15.00 per hour $15.00 per hour $15.20 per hour = $285,000 = $300,000 = $304,000 Labor efficiency variance Labor rate variance = $15,000 U = $4,000 U * 19,000 units × 1.0 hours per unit = 19,000 hours ** $300,000 ÷ $15.00 per hour = 20,000 hours *** $304,000 ÷ 20,000 hours = $15.20 per hour © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 529
  44. 44. Case 10-17 (continued) Variable overhead analysis: Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 19,000 hours × 20,000 hours × $9.00 per hour $9.00 per hour = $171,000 = $180,000 $176,000* Variable overhead Variable overhead efficiency variance rate variance = $9,000 U = $4,000 F * $180,000 – $4,000 = $176,000 © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 530 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  45. 45. Appendix 10A Predetermined Overhead Rates and Overhead Analysis in a Standard Costing System Exercise 10A-1 (15 minutes) 1. The total overhead cost at the denominator level of activity must be determined before the predetermined overhead rate can be computed. Total fixed overhead cost per year ................................. $600,000 Total variable overhead cost ($3.50 per DLH × 80,000 DLHs) .................................. 280,000 Total overhead cost at the denominator level of activity .. $880,000 Predetermined = Overhead at the denominator level of activity overhead rate Denominator level of activity $880,000 = =$11.00 per DLH 80,000 DLHs 2. Standard direct labor-hours allowed for the actual output (a) ........................... 82,000 DLHs Predetermined overhead rate (b) ........... $11.00 per DLH Overhead applied (a) × (b) .................... $902,000 © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 531
  46. 46. Exercise 10A-2 (15 minutes) 1. Fixed overhead Fixed portion of the = predetermined overhead rate Denominator level of activity $400,000 = 50,000 DLHs = $8.00 per DLH 2. Budget = Actual fixed - Budgeted fixed variance overhead cost overhead cost = $394,000 - $400,000 = $6,000 F Fixed portion of Volume = the predetermined × Denominator - Standard hours variance overhead rate hours ( allowed ) = $8.00 per DLH (50,000 DLHs - 48,000 DLHs) = $16,000 U © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 532 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  47. 47. Exercise 10A-3 (10 minutes) Company X: This company has an unfavorable volume variance because the standard direct labor-hours allowed for the actual output are less than the denominator activity. Company Y: This company has an unfavorable volume variance because the standard direct labor-hours allowed for the actual output are less than the denominator activity. Company Z: This company has a favorable volume variance because the standard direct labor-hours allowed for the actual output are greater than the denominator activity. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 533
  48. 48. Exercise 10A-4 (15 minutes) 1. Actual fixed overhead incurred ........................... $79,000 Add favorable budget variance ........................... 1,000 Budgeted fixed overhead cost ............................ $80,000 Budgeted fixed overhead cost $80,000 = =$4 per MH Denominator hours 20,000 MHs 2. 9,500 units × 2 MHs per unit = 19,000 MHs 3. Fixed Portion of Volume =the Predetermined Denominator - Standard Hours Variance Overhead Rate Hours ( Allowed ) = $4 per MH (20,000 MHs - 19,000 MHs) = 4,000 U Alternative solutions to parts 1-3: Fixed Overhead Applied Budgeted Fixed Actual Fixed to Work in Process Overhead Overhead 19,000 MHsb × c a $4 per MH = $76,000 $80,000 $79,000* Volume variance Budget variance = $4,000 U = $1,000 F* *Given a $79,000 + $1,000 = $80,000 b 9,500 units × 2 MHs per unit = 19,000 MHs c $80,000 ÷ 20,000 denominator MHs = $4 per MH © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 534 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  49. 49. Exercise 10A-5 (15 minutes) 1. Total overhead at the Predetermined = denominator activity overhead rate Denominator activity $1.60 per DLH × 24,000 per DLH + $84,000 = 24,000 DLHs $122,400 = 24,000 DLHs = $5.10 per DLH Variable element: ($1.60 per DLH × 24,000 DLH) ÷ 24,000 DLHs = $38,400 ÷ 24,000 DLHs = $1.60 per DLH Fixed element: $84,000 ÷ 24,000 DLHs = $3.50 per DLH 2. Direct materials, 2 pounds × $4.20 per pound .................... $ 8.40 Direct labor, 3 DLHs* × $12.60 per DLH ............................. 37.80 Variable manufacturing overhead, 3 DLHs × $1.60 per DLH . 4.80 Fixed manufacturing overhead, 3 DLHs × $3.50 per DLH ..... 10.50 Total standard cost per unit ............................................... $61.50 *24,000 DLHs ÷ 8,000 units = 3 DLHs per unit © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 535
  50. 50. Exercise 10A-6 (20 minutes) 1. Predetermined = $1.05 per MH × 8,000 MHs + $24,800 overhead rate 8,000 MHs $33,200 = 8,000 MHs = $4.15 per MH Variable portion of $1.05 per MH × 8,000 MHs the predetermined = overhead rate 8,000 MHs $8,400 = 8,000 MHs = $1.05 per MH Fixed portion of $24,800 the predetermined = overhead rate 8,000 MHs = $3.10 per MH 2. The standard hours per unit of product are: 8,000 MHs ÷ 3,200 units = 2.5 MHs per unit The standard hours allowed for the actual production would be: 3,500 units × 2.5 MHs per unit = 8,750 MHs 3. Variable overhead variances: Variable overhead rate variance = (AH × AR) – (AH × SR) = ($9,860) – (8,500 MHs × $1.05 per MH) = ($9,860) – ($8,925) = $935 U Variable overhead efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $1.05 per MH (8,500 MHs – 8,750 MHs) = $262.50 F © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 536 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  51. 51. Exercise 10A-6 (continued) Fixed overhead budget and volume variances: Fixed Overhead Applied Budgeted Fixed Actual Fixed to Work in Process Overhead Overhead 8,750 standard MHs × $3.10 per MH = $27,125 $24,800* $25,100 Volume variance Budget variance = $2,325 F = $300 U Total Variance = $2,025 F *8,000 denominator MHs × $3.10 per MH = $24,800. Alternative approach to the budget variance: Budget = Actual Fixed - Budgeted Fixed Variance Overhead Cost Overhead Cost = $25,100 - $24,800 = $300 U Alternative approach to the volume variance: Fixed Portion of Volume = the Predetermined Denominator - Standard Hours Variance Overhead Rate Hours ( Allowed ) = $3.10 per MH (8,000 MHs - 8,750 MHs) = $2,325 F © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 537
  52. 52. Exercise 10A-7 (15 minutes) 1. 10,000 units × 0.8 DLH per unit = 8,000 DLHs. 2. and 3. Fixed Overhead Applied Budgeted Fixed Actual Fixed to Work in Process Overhead Overhead 8,000 standard DLHs × $6.00 per DLH* = $48,000 $45,000 $45,600* Volume variance Budget variance = $3,000 F* = $600 U *Given. 4. Fixed cost element of the = Budgeted fixed overhead cost predetermined overhead rate Denominator activity $45,000 = Denominator activity =$6.00 per DLH Therefore, the denominator activity was $45,000 ÷ $6.00 per DLH = 7,500 DLHs. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 538 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  53. 53. Problem 10A-8 (45 minutes) 1. Direct materials price and quantity variances: Materials quantity variance = SP (AQ – SQ) = $3.50 per yard (78,000 yards – 80,000 yards*) = $7,000 F Materials price variance = AQ (AP – SP) = 78,000 yards ($3.75 per yard – $3.50 per yard) = $19,500 U *20,000 units × 4 yards per unit = 80,000 yards 2. Direct labor rate and efficiency variances: Labor efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $12.00 per DLH (32,500 DLHs – 30,000 DLHs*) = $30,000 U Labor rate variance = AH (AR – SR) = 32,500 DLHs ($11.80 per DLH – $12.00 per DLH) = $6,500 F *20,000 units × 1.5 DLHs per unit = 30,000 DLHs 3. a. Variable manufacturing overhead spending and efficiency variances: Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 30,000 DLHs × 32,500 DLHs × $2 per DLH $2 per DLH = $60,000 = $65,000 $68,250 Variable overhead Variable overhead efficiency variance rate variance = $5,000 U = $3,250 U © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 539
  54. 54. Problem 10A-8 (continued) Alternative solution: Variable overhead efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $2.00 per DLH (32,500 DLHs – 30,000 DLHs) = $5,000 U Variable overhead rate variance = (AH × AR) – (AH × SR) = ($68,250) – (32,500 DLHs × $2.00 per DLH) = $3,250 U 3. b. Fixed overhead variances: Fixed Overhead Applied Budgeted Fixed Actual Fixed to Work in Process Overhead Overhead 30,000 DLHs × $6 per DLH = $180,000 $150,000 $148,000 Volume variance Budget variance = $30,000 F = $2,000 F Alternative solution: Fixed Portion of Volume = the Predetermined Denominator - Standard Hours Variance Overhead Rate Hours( Allowed ) =$6.00 per DLH (25,000 DLHs – 30,000 DLHs) = $30,000 F Budget = Actual Fixed - Flexible Budget Fixed Variance Overhead Cost Overhead Cost =$148,000 – $150,000 =$2,000 F © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 540 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  55. 55. Problem 10A-8 (continued) 4. The total of the variances would be: Direct materials variances: Quantity variance .......................................... $ 7,000 F Price variance ............................................... 19,500 U Direct labor variances: Efficiency variance ........................................ 30,000 U Rate variance................................................ 6,500 F Variable manufacturing overhead variances: Efficiency variance ........................................ 5,000 U Rate variance................................................ 3,250 U Fixed manufacturing overhead variances: Volume variance ........................................... 30,000 F Budget variance ............................................ 2,000 F Total of variances ............................................ $12,250 U Notice that the total of the variances agrees with the $12,250 unfavorable variance mentioned by the vice president. It appears that not everyone should be given a bonus for good cost control. The materials price variance and the labor efficiency variance are 7.1% and 8.3%, respectively, of the standard cost allowed and thus would warrant investigation. In addition, the variable overhead spending variance is 5.0% of the standard cost allowed. The reason the company's large unfavorable variances (for materials price and labor efficiency) do not show up more clearly is that they are offset by the company's favorable volume variance for the year. This favorable volume variance is the result of the company operating at an activity level that is well above the denominator activity level used to set predetermined overhead rates. (The company operated at an activity level of 30,000 standard DLHs; the denominator activity level set at the beginning of the year was 25,000 DLHs.) As a result of the large favorable volume variance, the unfavorable price and efficiency variances have been concealed in a small ―net‖ figure. Finally, the large favorable volume variance may have been achieved by building up inventories. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 541
  56. 56. Problem 10A-9 (60 minutes) 1. and 2. Per Direct Labor-Hour Variable Fixed Total Denominator of 40,000 DLHs: $2.50 $ 2.50 $8.00 8.00 Total predetermined rate .................... $10.50 Denominator of 50,000 DLHs: $2.50 $ 2.50 $6.40 6.40 Total predetermined rate .................... $ 8.90 3. Denominator Activity: Denominator Activity: 40,000 DLHs 50,000 DLHs Direct materials, 3 yards × $5.00 per yard .......... $15.00 Same .............................. $15.00 Direct labor, 2.5 DLHs × $20.00 per DLH ............ 50.00 Same .............................. 50.00 Variable overhead, 2.5 DLHs × $2.50 per DLH .. 6.25 Same .............................. 6.25 Fixed overhead, 2.5 DLHs Fixed overhead, 2.5 DLHs × $8.00 per DLH .......... 20.00 × $6.40 per DLH ........... 16.00 Total standard cost per Total standard cost per unit .............................. $91.25 unit .............................. $87.25 4. a. 18,500 units × 2.5 DLHs per unit = 46,250 standard DLHs b. Manufacturing Overhead Actual costs 446,500 Applied costs (46,250 standard DLHs* × $10.50 per DLH) 485,625 Overapplied overhead 39,125 *Determined in (a). © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 542 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  57. 57. Problem 10A-9 (continued) 4. c. Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 46,250 DLHs × 48,000 DLHs × $2.50 per DLH $2.50 per DLH = $115,625 = $120,000 $124,800 Variable overhead Variable overhead efficiency variance rate variance = $4,375 U = $4,800 U Alternative solution: Variable overhead efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = $2.50 per DLH (48,000 DLHs – 46,250 DLHs) = $4,375 U Variable overhead rate variance = (AH × AR) – (AH × SR) = ($124,800) – (48,000 DLHs × $2.50 per DLH) = $4,800 U Fixed overhead variances: Fixed Overhead Applied Budgeted Fixed Actual Fixed to Work in Process Overhead Overhead 46,250 standard DLHs × $8.00 per DLH = $370,000 $320,000* $321,700 Volume variance Budget variance = $50,000 F = $1,700 U *40,000 denominator DLHs × $8 per DLH = $320,000. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 543
  58. 58. Problem 10A-9 (continued) Alternative solution: Budget = Actual Fixed - Flexible Budget Fixed Variance Overhead Cost Overhead Cost = $321,700 – $320,000 = $1,700 U Fixed Portion of Volume = the Predetermined × Denominator - Standard Hours Variance Overhead Rate Hours( Allowed ) = $8.00 per DLH (40,000 DLHs – 46,250 DLHs) = $50,000 F Summary of variances: Variable overhead efficiency ...... $ 4,375 U Variable overhead rate variance . 4,800 U Fixed overhead volume ............. 50,000 F Fixed overhead budget .............. 1,700 U Overapplied overhead ............... $39,125 F © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 544 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition
  59. 59. Problem 10A-9 (continued) 5. The major disadvantage of using normal activity as the denominator in the predetermined rate is the large volume variance that ordinarily results. This occurs because the denominator activity used to compute the predetermined overhead rate is different from the activity level that is anticipated for the period. In the case at hand, the company has used the normal activity of 40,000 direct labor-hours to compute the predetermined overhead rate, whereas activity for the period was expected to be 50,000 DLHs. This has resulted in a large favorable volume variance that may be difficult for management to interpret. In addition, the large favorable volume variance in this case has masked the fact that the company did not achieve the budgeted level of activity for the period. The company had planned to work 50,000 DLHs, but managed to work only 46,250 DLHs (at standard). This unfavorable result is concealed due to using a denominator figure that is out of step with current activity. On the other hand, by using normal activity as the denominator unit costs are stable from year to year. Thus, management's decisions are not clouded by unit costs that jump up and down as the activity level rises and falls. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 10 545
  60. 60. Problem 10A-10 (45 minutes) 1. £31,500 + £72,000 Total rate: =£5.75 per MH 18,000 MHs £31,500 Variable element: =£1.75 per MH 18,000 MHs £72,000 Fixed element: =£4.00 per MH 18,000 MHs 2. 16,000 standard MHs × £5.75 per MH = £92,000 3. Variable manufacturing overhead variances: Standard Hours Allowed for Actual Output, Actual Hours of Input, Actual Hours of Input, at Standard Rate at Standard Rate at Actual Rate (SH × SR) (AH × SR) (AH × AR) 16,000 MHs × 15,000 MHs × £1.75 per MH £1.75 per MH = £28,000 = £26,250 £26,500 Variable overhead Variable overhead efficiency variance rate variance = £1,750 F = £250 U Alternative solution: Variable overhead efficiency variance = SR (AH – SH) = £1.75 per MH (15,000 MHs – 16,000 MHs) = £1,750 F Variable overhead rate variance = (AH × AR) – (AH × SR) = (£26,500) – (15,000 MHs × £1.75 per MH) = £250 U © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012 546 Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition

Cost Accounting a Managerial Emphasis 15th Edition Solutions Chapter 10


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